Tubular Job Postings

The following Job Postings have been posted on MYEVRAZ, production bulletin boards as well as the bulletin board in the Hilton. All postings close Jan 29/25. As there are roughly only 30 current Tubular members with bids, all Tubular members are encouraged to bid! If you are unsure if you currently hold a bid, please check the current Lines of Progression or contact Garett Rosko or Mike Day.








Steel Helper Positions awarded to JR applicants


As some of you may have seen, there was a posting on our web page for 4 permanent Steel Helper positions. The application for that posting closed on Dec 23/24. The company had not, nor still hasn’t posted the successful bidders as per Article 12.09 (a).

Today, the Union learned from Human Resources, that the company (without discussion with the Union) is going to be offering the positions to Junior applicants. As soon as we became aware of this, a group grievance was filed with the company.

It would appear that this company is using similar tactics as they did on the Tubular side in 2020. All the time being in the middle of negotiations and so close to our next dates the week of Jan 18/25. Their actions again are a solid reminder of the little respect shown to our members and the collective agreement.

In Solidarity

Merry Christmas


From your 5890 Executive, we’d like to wish all our members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Although we saw some profits in 2024, it was again, a rough and unfortunate year for our laid off members.

With the New Year approaching, we are all looking forward to the hope of brighter times ahead. Be safe and look out for one another.

In Solidarity 5890 Executive.



The bargaining committees from USW Local 5890 & 6673, along with Staff Representative’s Patrick Veinot, Jeff Kallichuk and researcher Troy Lundblad from the National Office, met in Regina on December 10th, 11th, 12th with the Company.  The original intent was to bargain on the 13th as well but, the company’s lead negotiator had to fly back to the U.S.

On Tuesday, 6673 was able to get some much-needed waiver language and we were able to finalize our common monetary package. On the morning of the 11th the company gave us an updated financial presentation and shortly after that we exchanged our monetary packages.

There were 4 items signed off on Thursday but we are very far apart on the memberships main issues.

Your solidarity is important in everything we do. We would like to remind the memberships that these bargaining updates come directly from your bargaining committees. Our next scheduled bargaining dates are January 20th to the 24th in Regina. We expect the company to be prepared to bargain all week!

Support Your Bargaining Committee!


Solidarity Works!

Solidarity Forever!

Bargaining Committee

USW 5890 / 6673


Members, Please see below. This job posting is to be posted today at the plant. The company has no desire to address Interdivisional Transfer possibilities as we previously have since 2021. All members interested are encouraged to apply.

PLANT TITLE: Steel Helper
DATE POSTED: December 9, 2024

December 23, 2024
As per the Collective Bargaining Agreement


Or email to HRCanada.Support@evrazna.com

As the local is in bargaining this week and you have any questions please email m.day@usw5890.com and I will respond ASAP.

Bargaining Update Nov 27, 2024


Your bargaining committees from USW 5890 & 6673 met with Evraz management on November 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd in Regina to discuss remaining non-monetary proposals.

Due to the very unfortunate and significant event at the Regina facility on the afternoon of the 19th, discussions on Regina specific proposals were delayed while the remaining Calgary local proposals were discussed. The remaining 3 Regina language proposals have been moved to monetary. Later in the week we were able to sign off on some of the common non-monetary proposals with only a few common issues remaining.

With a few non-monetary proposals remaining, our next dates to resume bargaining are December 10th, 11th, 12th,and 13th.


In Solidarity

United Steelworkers LU 5890 / 6673

Bargaining Update Nov 12, 2024

Sisters & Brothers

The bargaining committees from USW Local 5890 & 6673, along with Staff Representative’s Patrick Veinot and Jeff Kallichuk, met in Regina on November 5th,6th,7th and 8th with the Company to exchange and discuss common non-monetary proposals.

Progress was made on a few of the remaining local language proposals as well as some common issues, but many proposals, both for local and common remain outstanding.

Your solidarity is important in everything we do. We would like to remind the membership that these bargaining updates come directly from your bargaining committees. Our next scheduled bargaining dates are November 19th to 22nd  in Regina.

3rd Qrt Profit Sharing


3rd Quarter Results

Our financial performance for the third quarter of 2024 resulted in profit-sharing payments for employees under the plan. Qualifying employees will receive a bonus payment of $0.72 per eligible hour, which will be deposited directly into your bank accounts by November 15, 2024

This quarter, average selling prices for flat products continued to decline as competitors continue to price their products significantly lower than our cost. We saw approximately a ten percent decrease in prices compared to the prior quarter. Sales volume were also lower mainly due to lower shipment of slab to Portland as a result of slow-down in the plate market.

Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) volumes slightly increased however, average selling prices continued to decline primarily due to the continued pressure from imported pipe into Canada at significantly lower prices.


    Please be advised that EVRAZ Calgary has following position available:

    Millwright Position (1)

    All expenses will be the responsibility of the interested employee.
    Given the current layoff status, and in accordance with Article 12.15 (Interplant Trans-fers), “opportunity will be afforded to laid-off members from Regina prior to the hiring of new employees”.

    Please contact Shadman Afroz at HRAlberta@evrazna.com by September 27, 2024 if you would like to be considered for this position.

    Suicide Prevention Day and September is Suicide Awareness Month.

    Hello Everyone,

    Today is Suicide Prevention Day and September is Suicide Awareness Month. Every year in Canada, an estimated 4,500 people take their own lives. The theme for World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) 2024-2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide”. The aim of the theme is to raise awareness about the importance of changing the narrative surrounding suicide and transforming how we perceive this complex issue. Changing the narrative requires systemic change. It’s about shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support. ~ International Association for Suicide Prevention

    The Mental Wellness Committee would also like to invite you to join the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention by lighting a candle in your window on September 10 at 8pm. The “Light a Flame of Hope” Candle Vigil is to recognize World Suicide Prevention Day and remembers all lives that have been impacted by suicide.

    By working together, as friends and colleagues we can conquer the shame and stigma that have shadowed suicide for far too long.

    In recognition of this day, EVRAZ Regina is pleased to announce the establishment of our first Mental Wellness Committee which will focus on mental health awareness, supports and training for our employees and their families.   We are pleased and very thankful for the following people who have agreed to be part of the committee: 

    • Rick West
    • Mike Day
    • Lowell Holliday
    • Pam Holliday

    This new committee will work together on initiatives which are aimed at improving mental health understanding, reducing the stigma associated with mental health and cultivating a supportive atmosphere for those facing mental health challenges.

    As a committee, we are looking forward to making a difference!! 

    If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to the Employee Family Assistance Program

    COLA Adjustment

    The CPI figure for July 2024 was released on August 20, 2024. Per the Collective
    Agreement, the following calculation will apply:

    April 2024 162.0
    July 2024 163.6
    Difference 1.6
    Divide difference by .063 = $0.25

    Effective July 31, 2024, the COLA adjustment of $3.49 per hour was rolled into the base
    hourly rate. The COLA adjustment of $0.25 was added to the previous rate of $3.24.

    Retro is to be paid out on this weeks pay, Aug 30/24

    Steel Scheduling


    With the company changing schedules next week in the Steel Division, they appear to be NOT running in some areas on the 18th. If you are a member who was on the layoff notice and the 18th was a regular shift, please contact a steward or executive member.

    During a notice period, your regular hours can not be reduced. The company has been informed of this but if they address it is another thing. This only applies to members who have been issued layoff notices and regular hours have been reduced during the notice period. All others, with the schedule changes, make sure you count your hours!

    Steel Manpower Meeting


    This morning the joint layoff & recall committee met again to follow up on Tuesday’s meeting. Supervisors/Managers from each Steel Department were in attendance. One notable absence from both our meetings was Brad Forster. We were, once again, very close on where things should stand on manpower, area’s shutting down on the 18th and the notice for end of shift on the 21st. With the discussions that went on, the Union left the meeting with a feeling this MAY get resolved with minimal issues and both parties were on the same page. That was until shortly after the meeting Brad Forster decided to get involved. He couldn’t be bothered to attend either meeting but instead made his way directly to the Brick Crew to see your Vice President Brad Gibbons and inform him that regardless, bump or you’re laid off!

    The company and the Union have been through this before and agreed the language the company relies on for Production and Maintenance is specific to Office and Technical employees. Not only was there an agreement, the company paid out over $600,000 in wages alone due to it. If you have questions please reach out to a steward or executive member. Your joint layoff and recall committee members are Mike Day, Brad Gibbons, Steve Olson and Kyle Fisher.

    Steel Layoffs

    Today the joint layoff/recall committee met with the company to discuss the status of the upcoming layoffs and issues around that. The meeting began with the company saying those employees who didn’t bump would be laid off, they then continued that they have only told employees that bumping is an option and not forcing them to do so. After some discussion, it seems the company understands that members don’t have to bump to survive a layoff. We left that meeting with the feeling both sides were not far apart.

    The company has agreed to create a bump schedule showing all employees and bump lines so you can make proper and educated decision if you “choose” to exercise your bumping rights. We highly recommend that the members take a look at these before filling out bump forms if you choose to do so. The union has not received copies as of yet and will likely be incomplete, please keep an eye out for information as it rolls out. This cutback is not like previous cutbacks and mistakes are likely to occur, please contact a steward or executive member so we can try and get the issue resolved.

    Q2 Profit Sharing

    2nd Quarter Results
    Our financial performance for the second quarter of 2024 resulted in profit-sharing payments for employees under the plan. Qualifying employees will receive a bonus payment of $0.96 per eligible hour, which will be deposited directly into your bank accounts by August 16, 2024.
    This quarter we faced challenges as the market for flat products continued to soften, leading to decreases in selling price and volume. Although Portland slab volume was down with the market, we were able to offset some of that with third party coil sales from Regina.
    Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) volumes were also lower than prior quarter due primarily to the annual spring break-up. Dumped pipe imports into Canada continue to put significant pressure on the OCTG and line pipe markets.
    On the Operational side, we idled the 24” mill after completing a small order of approximately 5,000 tons. In response to market demand, we restarted the Regina 2″ mill line to support the OCTG market. Our ongoing initiatives with EBS continue to drive cost savings and have positively impacted our conversion costs, further enhancing our operational efficiency and improving profitability for the quarter.
    Looking Forward
    The safety of our employees remains our top priority. We must continue to focus on improving our safety performance by stopping unsafe work, reporting all near misses, and keeping each other safe.
    As we look ahead, we will continue to closely monitor market conditions and take proactive steps to stay competitive. Our focus will remain on delivering high-quality products, managing costs effectively, and fulfilling our commitments to our valued customers.

    July Bargaining Update


    Your 5890 bargaining team met with Evraz for 3 days on July 9th, 10th and 11th. Progress was made on multiple non-monetary proposals with a few outstanding proposals left for both the Union and Company. Our remaining local proposals have been moved forward to main table. Progress slowed on the Thursday after the Union was informed of the F.B.I action in the U.S facilities.

    We have tentative dates of Aug 13 to 16, 2024 for main table bargaining.

    In Solidarity,

    USW 5890 Bargaining Committee

    Evraz Update


    Yesterday morning, before we could begin bargaining for the day, your bargaining committee was informed by Evraz management that on Wednesday the Federal Bureau of Investigation “visited” Evraz’s U.S locations.

    At this time there has been no information as to the reason. All North American facilities have been made aware of the situation. When more information comes our way, we will share what we can.

    June 2024 Bargaining Update


    On June 25th your bargaining committees from Calgary(USW6673), Regina(USW5890) along with Staff
    Representatives Patrick Veinot (lead negotiator), Darrin Kruger (Area Coordinator AB & SK) and District 3 Director Scott Lunny met with Evraz management from Regina, Calgary and Chicago to kick off bargaining and listen to the company’s state of the business presentation. No news was given on the state of the sale other then ” it’s progressing”.

    Tuesday afternoon, Calgary and Evraz non-monetary proposals were exchanged. USW 6673’s next dates for non-monetary are the week of July 29/2024. USW 5890 and Evraz exchanged and began non-monetary discussions on the 26th and 27th.

    We(5890) are scheduled to meet with the company again on July 9th, 10th and 11th to continue with local non-monetary.


    In solidarity,

    Local 5890 Bargaining Committee

    Steel Summer Relief


    Yesterday the company informed the Union that they are in need of 10 individuals for summer relief in the Steel Division. These members are to be classified as Steel Helpers and utilized in the Melt Shop and Caster. The expectation is this will run until mid September. The company will be contacting individuals laid off in Tubular by seniority until they have the 10 confirmed.

    C.O.L.A update

    The CPI figure for April was released on May 21, 2024. Per the Collective Agreement,

    the following calculation will apply:

    January 2024 159.7
    April 2024 162.0
    Difference 2.3
    Divide difference by .063 = 36.5

    Effective June 2, 2024, COLA will be $3.24 per straight-time hour worked, as it was
    previously $2.88.

    Bargaining 2024


    The Union and the Company will be meeting on June 25/24 to open bargaining. The Union had given the company 2 weeks of availability at the end of May but the company wasn’t able to commit to those dates.

    We will meet with the Calgary local on the 24th, then the company on the 25th. We look to be exchanging proposals on the 25th and begin on Regina Local issues for the remainder of that week.

    1st Quarter Profit Sharing

    1st Quarter Results
    Our financial performance for the first quarter of 2024 resulted in profit-sharing payments for employees under the plan. The payout will be $2.43 per eligible hour bonus payment for qualifying employees deposited into your bank account by May 17, 2024.
    An increase in Portland slab shipment, lower average selling prices, and a favorable foreign exchange adjustment impact for the quarterly profit-sharing plan calculation impacted our financial performance.
    We continued to see lower OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) volume during the quarter, mainly due to imported pipe into Canada from other countries at significantly lower selling prices. As a result, our OCTG volume was slightly lower compared to the prior quarter. The Regina 2″ mill line was idled in late January in response to lower demand for our Carbon Tubing products.
    Despite these challenges, the impact of the lower OCTG volume was offset by the increase in Portland slab shipment, which enabled us to keep our coil cost low. Furthermore, our ongoing efforts with EBS yielded positive results in our conversion costs.
    Regina 24″ commenced production in late January to fulfill a small order; the current plan is to idle the mill after the completion of the current order if a new order is not secured. Regina’s Spiral remained idle during the quarter.
    Looking Forward
    The safety of our employees is important to us; therefore, we must continue to focus on improving our safety performance, stopping unsafe work, and reporting all near misses; doing these will help us have better safety performance.
    We continue to monitor the market and consistently take necessary measures to ensure we remain competitive while controlling operational performance with a focus on the quality of our products, managing costs effectively, and fulfilling our commitments to our valued customers.

    4th Quarter Profit Sharing

    4th Quarter Results
    Our financial performance for the fourth quarter of 2023 resulted in profit-sharing payments for employees under the plan. The payout will be a $1.95 per eligible hour bonus payment for qualifying employees deposited into your bank account by May 17, 2024.
    Our financial performance during this quarter was driven by notable increases in third-party shipment and OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) sales volume compared to the previous quarter. While we observed an increase in OCTG and line pipe sales volume compared to the previous, it was slightly lower than the volume recorded in the first quarter. This reduction can be attributed mainly to the ongoing impact of imported pipe into Canada, which is being sold at significantly lower prices.
    Additionally, our average selling prices for OCTG products continued to decline, experiencing an 11% decrease compared to the previous quarter. Although we witnessed an increase in third-party shipments from Regina steel, this was partially offset by a reduction in Portland slab shipments due to softening in the flat market.
    Throughout the quarter, Regina Tubular’s 24″ and spiral mills remained idled.
    Looking Forward
    The safety of our employees is important to us; therefore, we must continue to focus on improving our safety performance, stopping unsafe work, and reporting all near misses; doing these will help us have a better safety performance.
    We continue to monitor the market and consistently take necessary measures to ensure we remain competitive while controlling operational performance with a focus on the quality of our products, managing costs effectively, and fulfilling our commitments to our valued customers.