Bargaining 2016 Information/Updates

April 28 2017

 On April 24th to 28th your bargaining committees from USW 5890 &6673 met with the company to conclude common non-monetary proposals. Your union was prepared to exchange monetary proposals but unfortunately the company was not prepared so the exchange will be delayed. Although some progress was made with non-monetary language, the week didn’t go as anticipated. The company was not prepared to exchange monetary proposals because of the changes in management. That should be concerning considering there was more representation from the Camrose plant then our own Steel division.

We have a confirmed date to meet with the company on May 17th, 2017 to exchange monetary proposals. If you will remember we exchanged non-monetary proposals with the company on May 19th, 2016.

As always collective bargaining is an important process for all of our members and their families. Your bargaining committee is committed to getting a fair deal for all of our members.

Your solidarity is important in everything we do. We would like to remind the membership that these bargaining updates come directly from your bargaining committees.

March 27 2017

On March 21st to 24th your bargaining committees from USW 5890 &6673 met with the company and went over our common non-monetary proposals. This was a productive week and much was accomplished. We were able to sign off on language for articles 4.07,5.01,7.02,8.09 1{i},17.04,17.07,17.08,17.09,17.12 and Appendix “D” in the Regina CBA and articles 12.06,17.12, Appendix “A”, Lines of Progression and an accompanying letter on how the changes to Appendix “A” will be implemented in the Calgary CBA.

We have confirmed dates to meet with the company again on April 25th, 26th , 27th and 28th. With only a few non-monetary items left on the table, it is expected, after we work our way through those, that at some point during those dates we will be exchanging monetary proposals with the company. It must be noted, among other things, that the company still has a proposal for Mandatory Overtime on the table. Be assured that your Bargaining Committee will remain strong and continue to oppose this proposal through to the end.

As always collective bargaining is an important process for all of our members and their families. Your bargaining committee is committed to getting a fair deal for all of our members.

Your solidarity is important in everything we do. We would like to remind the membership that these bargaining updates come directly from your bargaining committees.

January 5 2017

We have confirmed dates for the next set of local non-monetary bargaining talks with Evraz. Those dates are February 14th,15th,16th and 17th. Since our last set of bargaining dates the company has met with the local bargaining committee from Calgary {USW 6673}. That bargaining committee met with Evraz on December 19th,20th and 21st and is scheduled to meet with Evraz again on January 17th,18th,19th and 20th.

For those that are unaware, once local non-monetary issues are dealt with both the Regina and Calgary bargaining committee’s then meet together with the company for what is called chain bargaining. This is where we deal with what is called “common and monetary issues”

The next monthly membership meeting is on January 16th at The Regina Union Centre. 2709-12th Avenue. 7:30 p.m

November 20

A Bargaining Update will be given at the monthly membership meeting on Nov. 21st.
Changes have been made to the lines of progression in the Steel Division.  For the EAF, LMF and the new position, Degasser.
We also have an update on the status of the current CBA.

October 13

Over the last 2 days your bargaining committee and members of both Steel Shift and Seniority and Tubular Shift and Seniority committees were meeting to discuss the company’s proposed changes to Lines of Progression in both Divisions.

The Union recommended to the the company that a tour was needed in the Melt shop, 24 inch mill and Mill 5. On Tuesday you may have noticed the committees touring these locations with individuals from management. On Wednesday both committees sat down with the company to discuss these proposed changes. There was very good discussion from both sides of the table and to date there has been nothing agreed to or signed off on regarding Lines of Progression. Both the Union and Company are looking at future dates to continue talks.


On September 20th your bargaining committee met with the company for 3 days with much of the discussion forming around Article 9.09{overtime distribution} and Lines of Progression language. The parties have agreed to new language under Article 9.09.

During this discussion the Union informed the Company that the Mandatory Overtime they have proposed is a non- starter. In response the company replied that it will be there till the end. Brothers and Sisters it is and will be the stance of this bargaining committee that all Overtime is Voluntary!

Your committee is working on dates to continue the discussions on Lines of Progression. When dates are finalized with the company we will communicate that information to you as well.

June 3

USW 5890 & 6673 have been in contact with the Unifor 551 employee’s of Evraz Camrose.  They have been in bargaining for a couple months and are facing a series of concessions totalling in the 30% range.  They currently have a hybrid pension that was implemented in the last set of negotiations.  This time around, Evraz is demanding a full DC pension plan and the complete elimination of their hybrid/DB plan.  The last time that the Unifor Bargaining Committee met with Evraz, for bargaining, was in April.

The Unifor 551 Bargaining Committee and the USW 5890 & 6673 Bargaining Committees have agreed to continue talking with each other.  Both groups feel that there are common goals that can be achieved through the sharing of information.  Both committees find it more than just a coincidence that proposals are on our tables that seem to mimic those that are currently on the table at Tenaris.  Tenaris (Prudential) located in Calgary, AB. Tenaris is also an OCTG Tubular Manufacturer.  The employee’s at that location are also USW workers.

Tenaris is currently in negotiations with that local’s USW workers.

June 2

Bargaining sessions scheduled between USW 5890 and EVRAZ for June 1st 2nd and 3rd has been adjourned.
The company continues to engage in practices which are interfering with the collective bargaining process, to that end, after consultation with the Union’s Legal Department your Bargaining Committee has decided to pursue an Unfair Labour practice complaint against EVRAZ Regina.
We will be working with the lawyers over the next few days to complete an evaluation of the complaint.
EVRAZ has taken a position on the Steel side concerning Art. 8.09 (2)   Dead shift/160 Hours in a 28 day period that the Union is disputing through the grievance process.
Managers have been bargaining with workers on the floor trying to negotiate a settlement of this grievance and undermining the CBA.
Bargaining will resume when the unfair labour practice complaint has been decided.

May 19

On May 19, 2016 your Bargaining Committee met with the Company representatives’ and officially opened bargaining by exchanging Non-monetary and Common Non-monetary proposals. The meeting started with a detailed presentation by the Company outlining the state of the Pipe and Steel industry and its impact on Evraz. The Company finished the presentation with a plea to work together to reduce costs and improve flexibility, to put us in the best position possible to be competitive in the market.

The Union inquired if the new Evraz/Wasco plant being built in Regina would be part of the negotiations. The Company emphatically refused to add this to the agenda and ended the conversation with the statement similar to: If you want that plant Unionized, go ask Wasco.

Your Bargaining Committee emphasized that the relationship between the Company and its employees has not improved. In part, because of the lack of a printed CBA from the last set of negotiations and the ongoing lack of respect for employees by some supervisors. Due to the Company’s continued delay tactics and their unwillingness to settle issues in a timely manner, there is an accumulated list of outstanding grievances.

We are looking forward to having a printed Collective Agreement (CBA) prior to our next bargaining meeting scheduled in Regina for June 1, 2016.

March 23

The bargaining committees from USW Local 5890 & 6673 met in Regina on March 16, 17, 18, 2016 to discuss and prepare for our upcoming collective bargaining. Discussions were held on both local and common non – monetary proposals for 5890 &6673 and a proposal exchange date has been confirmed with the company for May 19, 2016 in Calgary.

Collective bargaining is an important process for all of our members and their families and your bargaining committee is committed to keeping all of our members informed.  Bargaining surveys indicated our membership has questions about their pension, to that end membership meetings facilitated by senior USW District 3 Staff have been set up for May 3rd and 4th   for a pension seminar and informational session outlining the status of the Canadian Steel industry and the impact on us now and going forward.  These meetings will be held at the Eagles Club, details to follow.

Your solidarity is important in everything we do, bargaining updates will continue to come directly from your bargaining committees. Our next chain meeting between the bargaining committees will be held on May 3 & 4, 2016 in Regina.

Jan 15 2016

“The official start of Bargaining 2016”
What is this for?
Your Bargaining Committee is requesting your participation and attendance. We want you to show up and tell us what you want to see in our 2016 Contract Negotiations.
We understand that 44% of you rejected our last contract. This is your chance to voice your opinion on the changes/improvements that you want to see in 2016.
75% of all respondents from our Post Bargaining Survey stated that they would participate in “Special Meetings” regarding bargaining issues.
Please understand that the idea’s and statements that you, the membership, make at these meetings will turn into written proposals that will be presented at the bargaining table, later this year, with Evraz.
If you don’t show up and voice your opinion, the Bargaining Committee will not be able to turn your opinion into a proposal.
Your Bargaining Committee is committed in doing the best possible job that they can do, for you and the all the members of USW 5890. But we can’t do it without your participation. We understand that everyone has a busy schedule. So this is why we have set up these meetings over 2 days, hopefully giving everyone a chance to attend.
This is your chance to affect the next “Collective Bargaining Agreement”
Meeting Dates;
January 25th, 7:30pm — Eagles Club — 1600 Halifax St.