Bargaining Update


Brothers and Sisters,

This past week in an expression of solidarity and union partnership for Evraz workers in Alberta and Saskatchewan, USW chain bargaining committee members from Local 5890 and 6673 and their respective Staff Reps participated in an historic meeting with Unifor local 551 members from Evraz Camrose.

The first meeting of its kind brought together the two unions to deal with the aggressive concessionary proposals that all three bargaining committees have seen at the table from Evraz. We were able to share information, discussions and documentation and see the truth in their proposals. It is clear that we are all under serious attack and that working together is the only way to protect what we have now and make gains going forward.

All three Local Unions have agreed to form a strong alliance that will allow continued sharing of information, strategies and support while we all work towards bargaining new agreements. Evraz employees are loyal hard workers who deserve a fair collective agreement rather than threats and rollbacks. With the support of this alliance we are determined to make a difference for our Brothers and Sisters in Calgary, Regina and Camrose.


Your committee appreciates all of the support and solidarity from you the membership and we will keep fighting until we have a fair and equitable agreement to bring back for you to vote on.

In solidarity,


Your Local 5890 Bargaining Committee