Bargaining Update

Your Joint Bargaining Committee has finished another three days
of negotiations (Aug 3, 4, 5) on Non-Monetary issues. We have not begun to
bargain monetary issues yet.

Negotiations are progressing slowly but are still progressing.
The committee was able to come to tentative agreement on the following issues

  • Article 5.02- Small improvements
  • Article 5.03- Improvements to Reasonable Discipline
  • Article 10.01 – housekeeping andaddition of Family Day

The parties have agreed to meetagain August 31, Sept 1, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14.

In the meantime both parties have agreed that the Co-operative Wage Study (C.W.S.) committees for will meet, address and resolve all
the outstanding issues before bargaining begins again.