June 3rd 2016 Bargaining Update (Camrose)

USW 5890 & 6673 have been in contact with the Unifor 551 employee’s of Evraz Camrose.  They have been in bargaining for a couple months and are facing a series of concessions totalling in the 30% range.  They currently have a hybrid pension that was implemented in the last set of negotiations.  This time around, Evraz is demanding a full DC pension plan and the complete elimination of their hybrid/DB plan.  The last time that the Unifor Bargaining Committee met with Evraz, for bargaining, was in April.

The Unifor 551 Bargaining Committee and the USW 5890 & 6673 Bargaining Committees have agreed to continue talking with each other.  Both groups feel that there are common goals that can be achieved through the sharing of information.  Both committees find it more than just a coincidence that proposals are on our tables that seem to mimic those that are currently on the table at Tenaris.  Tenaris (Prudential) located in Calgary, AB. Tenaris is also an OCTG Tubular Manufacturer.  The employee’s at that location are also USW workers.

Tenaris is currently in negotiations with that local’s USW workers.