Steelworkers House

We have successfully launched our campaign to raise $100,000 and are well on our way of reaching our goal of building a Steelworkers House in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Regina. This is a project that we, as Steelworkers, can all be proud of being a part of for many years to come. Making a donation is very simple and can be done securely by clicking on the Habitat link located on our webpage. Visiting or by filling out a donation sheet that will be available through any CAT member, USW Habitat committee member or from the Union mailbox located in the operation building. Every donation of $10 or more is tax deductible. A donation of $10, from every member per pay check over the next year would help us to reach our goal and allow us to begin the construction on a home for a family in our community. Please give generously to a great cause.


Corey Liebrecht, President