Steelworkers Humanity Fund Contributes $20,000 to Flood Recovery in Saskatchewan and Manitoba

TORONTO – The Steelworkers Humanity Fund is contributing $20,000 to the Red Cross in Saskatchewan and Manitoba to support families and communities recover from widespread flooding.

An intense storm system deluged parts of southeast Saskatchewan and southwest Manitoba over the span of a few days. Over 30 communities in each province were under states of emergency. It has been estimated that the cost of flood recovery in Saskatchewan will exceed the $360 million incurred following the 2011 flooding.

“Flooding has caused real financial strain and hardship to families in communities in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the Steelworkers Humanity Fund wants to assist them in the recovery,” said Ken Neumann, President of the Steelworkers Humanity Fund.

Founded in 1985, the Steelworkers Humanity Fund is a registered charitable organization which focuses primarily on development projects and emergency aid in developing countries, but also supports Canadian communities in crisis. United Steelworkers (USW) members contribute to the fund through clauses negotiated into collective agreements. In some cases employers make matching contributions.