The USW North & South Sask. Area Council’s along with District 3 Director Steve Hunt, the WOS and SOAR met with the provincial NDP leadership candidates Erin Weir, Trent Wotherspoon, Cam Broten and Dr. Ryan Meili this past Friday evening in Saskatoon for a three hour question & answer form. Each candidate put forth their reasons for running and answered a wide range of questions and at times to criticism about how the party has handled certain issues in the past while in goverment.
On Saturday morning Steve Hunt, the Area Council’s and the Committee’s convened a caucus to discuss who the USW would support in the leadership race. It was not an easy decision, as each candidate displayed their oustanding credentials, ideas and determination to lead. After much discussion a ballot vote was taken a unanimous decision the Steelworkers in Saskatchewan have chose to support Cam Broten to be the next Leader of the provincial NDP.
The election will take place Saturday March 9th, 2013 during the provincial NDP convention that will be held at TCU Place, Saskatoon. To be eligible to vote, you must become a member of the provincial NDP party before Friday January 25th, 2013. It is only $10.00 to join and you can sign up by going to the following web site.
Good luck Cam, you have the Steelworkers support & solidarity!