25 Years of Service

Congratulations to the following 36 members who will be recognized for their 25 years of service this evening at the Quarter Century Dinner.

Andre Boehm, Kevin Brown, Alex Camponi, Roy Chinski, Vasco D’Almeida, Curtis Danyluk, Harvey Danyluk, Pat Eisler, Brad Gall, Gordon Gerbrant, Glenn Gerla, Mike Gianoli, Darwin Hennie, Mark Jones, Basil Karahalios, Duane Lawrick, John Leusink, Jason Luby, Scott Mackie, Todd Massier, Tracy McCune, Kent McDonald, Dwayne Mitchell, Perry Morton, Walter Pogorzelski, Randall Read, Ted Reavley, Wayne Shear, Mike Smith, Richard Taylor, Raymond Trenker, Rod Willians, Joe Wirll, Alden Wolbaum, Malcolm Wolitski and Trevor Zerff.