On Friday[ April 3rd] the Company issued layoff notices in the Office & Technical Department listed below;
The following is what the Company has discussed with the Union in terms of current an upcoming work.
* 2″ Has a couple weeks worth of work then will be down for the foreseeable future.
*24″ Has a small order that will start about 10 days after the 2″ goes down. That will be at 1 welding and 2 finishing crews
*Spiral Legacy Mills are booked until the fall
*Mill 5 is booked until 2021
Although recalls for every area have been happening there has been some challenges to get back up to pre cyber attack production levels. The hope was to have the Melt Shop running already and the Rolling Mill up for the middle of this week running at 4 crews. After about 3 weeks the company has told the Union it plans on running at a 3 crew level for the foreseeable future also. The Union Shift and Seniority Committee has requested a meeting to discuss scheduling. The company has implemented the 3 day clause in some areas of Steel over the past weekend. If you have exceeded 3 working days please contact a Steward.
This is a very challenging time at all the Evraz facilities. Layoff notices in Calgary were issued last week for 90 members as well. Continue to work safe. Your executive will continue to send out updates as we get them .