Brothers and Sisters,
Yesterday afternoon members of your Executive met with the company regarding business conditions and manpower. Below is a run-down of what was discussed.
Melt Shop will run on 4 crews through February 2021
Rolling Mill will go down to 2 crews in Mid December 2020
Slitter is going up to 2 crews
Spiral Legacy Mills will be idle on Nov 25, 2020. Layoff notices should be out today for roughly 35-45 members. In 2 weeks they expect to take the Finishing 1 line down and the company expects to issue layoff notices for roughly 70 more members then. On December 15,2020 they expect Mill 5 to be run out and that will affect roughly 60 members. Finishing 2 line is expected to run until Jan 15,2021 which would then have layoff notices for the remainder of Spiral. Wasco coating is roughly 30 days behind so they are unsure how many will be needed in the Yard at this time.
24 Inch Mill, they will go up on Jan 9, 2021 for roughly 2.5 months running at 2 welding and 2 finishing crews
2 Inch Mill is expected to stay on current level till spring break up.
Please remember to work safely