Non-Monetary update
As you know we started local bargaining in May. Non- Monetary bargaining is about improving the language in the agreement as it affects all members every day. Local issues were discussed by both BargainingCommittees (LU 5890 and 6673 in Regina and Calgary). The next step was main table common (common to both locals) non-monetary bargaining. Both locals began this process roughly 6 weeks ago. Non-Monetary bargaining has gone fairly well. Calgary has settled all their local issues and Regina has several issues outstanding with several days scheduled over the next couple of weeks to work on them.
Although the sessions have been fairly successful there are still outstanding common non-monetary issues in both locals.
Monetary Update
Both locals (5890 and 6673) tabled and exchanged a joint Monetary Package on September 13 with theCompany (We gave the Company our proposals and they gave us theirs). Even though we have exchanged the monetary packages, we have a number of non-monetary issues yet to discuss and as we have said they are important issues.
There are issues in Evraz’s monetary proposals that the Union is concerned with. We are having them reviewed by the Union’s research department before we proceed.
Alberta Mediation
In the meantime to conform to Alberta Labour laws we have adjourned monetary bargaining with the Company and are applying for Mediation in Alberta. The mediation process is mandatory and necessary to keep both locals going in the same direction at the same time. This is what SOLIDARITY is about; we are working together for the greater good of both Locals.
Regular Monthly Meetings
Regular monthly General Membership meetings are scheduled for September 19, in Regina, and September 28, in Calgary. These are normal monthly general membership meetings and very little will be said about bargaining at them. Regular business will be conducted.
Once the mediation process is scheduled and your bargaining committees have a full report from the Unions Research Department in our National Office we will schedule a Special Meeting, to provide all of you,with a detailed update on Local bargaining issues, common non-monetary bargaining issues and common monetary bargaining issues. As soon as the meetings are scheduled we will have posters out with plenty of notice with dates, time and place.
We want to take this time to thank, you the members of United Steelworkers Locals 5890 and6673, for your support, patience and understanding. Our success, so far, is because of your support. To the many who have attended recent meetings and those who will attend future meeting, we thank you.