Brothers and Sisters,
If there are any members that would be interested in becoming a Pension Trustee or be part of the Job Evaluation committee please contact the office @ 306-569-9663 or email
Brothers and Sisters,
If there are any members that would be interested in becoming a Pension Trustee or be part of the Job Evaluation committee please contact the office @ 306-569-9663 or email
At today’s Union/ management meeting the company informed the union that starting Monday Dec 5th, they will be starting the process of trying to fill the Degasser position beginning with the senior employees from the EAF/LMF lines of progression.
If you have any questions please contact a member of the Executive or Shift & Overtime Committee. Please make sure of what all your options are and do not hesitate to call the Union Office for clarity. 306-569-9663.
Members of the Job Evaluation Committee have agreed to the following changes for Tubular and Steel Cranes.
Spiral Mill Crane 11 16
Steel Tap Crane 18 20
Steel Charge crane 12 15
Steel Scrap Crane 9 13
Steel Slab Crane 12 17
We have been advised by payroll that they expect the reflected changes to include retro completed for the Dec 18th pay.
In Solidarity
On Sept 25th the Union requested from the company confirmation of dates when our members could see their job class increase and retro pay. On Tuesday the 29th the company response was such, “retro fro the 24 inch was paid on Sept 11, 2015 pay. Rates of pay for ut/rt will be reflected on the October 9th, 2015 pay and employees will receive retro by Nov 6th,2015. Retro was calculated based on the date of ratification.”
The union disputes that there was any agreement made that retro pay only goes back to date of ratification and as such filed a grievance today (September 30th) that retro should be paid to the start of the contract (August1,2014), not the date of ratification.
A 3rd Step Grievance meeting was held on Aug. 21st. The Union Grievance Committee met with local Evraz Management. A Union grievance, over UT/RT lines of progression and wage increases was discussed. Management informed the Union that by Sept. 15 all Tubular lines of progression will be completed, with retro pay to follow. Please watch your paystubs for wage increases and back pay. New lines of progression should be posted shortly after. Please check the list and ensure that your name is in the proper order and line of progression. Contact a shop steward with any concerns.
The job evaluation committee met with Company representatives today and were able to agree on the following jobs
The next meeting is scheduled for March 15