Coming To An Evraz Plant Near You!

Our Brother’s & Sister’s in Calgary were informed today that they will now have to ask for the equivalent of a hall pass to leave their work stations outside of what their HR department is calling “normal break times”. The reasoning behind this latest move that the members in Calgary have been told, is that certain managers are now to busy to have a open door policy. The solution that they have come up with is to create some cockamamie work rule (that they will probably call it) and try to enforce it on the membership.

Here’s what local 6673 was told…” We are finding that drop ins are significantly impacting productivity and as well we are not staffed to accommodate at will drop ins. Going forward the company is implementing a work station pass for employee’s to use when requesting time away from their workstations that are outside of their normal break times” It goes on to say that you can get a hall pass, I mean work station pass from your supervisor and it will have the name, date, times and be signed by your supervisor.

Now I’d like to point out a few things and start with this question. Would it not be just as simple to say to our membership that in some cases it’s just not practicable for certain manager’s to have an open door policy? Oh and by the way, my door is always open for the membership. Second lets talk about the “significant impact on productivity” this is apparently having. I suppose then that it must make sense to the company to have their supervisors running after our members and issuing passes instead of doing their real job of making sure that quality and production is meeting the highest standard at all stages. Let me also remind the Brother’s & Sister’s that our CBA clearly has language that covers breaks and that the company is walking a fine line on Human Rights. If they want to test any of this, we are not afraid to make a challenge and defend our members fully.

In my opinion, this is just another way that the company wants to dress up controlling you at work and squeeze that much more production out of a stone cold workforce. Congratulation Evraz on alienating your employee’s even further.


Corey Liebrecht, President

One thought on “Coming To An Evraz Plant Near You!”

  1. SHAME – What happed to the open door policy that I have been told all management has. Why do they not want to hear what we have to say. What are they maybe hiding, that they are pushing us away. What has happened to the words from Mike Rehwinkel about, Lead with humility, Worker empowerment. Brothers and Sisters something is Happening. It is time for us to STAND UP, UNITE be STRONG.

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