We understand there are many questions and uncertainty going on right now regarding Seniority, Layoffs, Rate Retention and Bumping.
Let’s be very clear here. We are in a Fight to Protect your Collective Agreement Rights. This company has decided to ATTACK your Seniority and rights for Rate Retention to the likes we have never seen before. The company has lied, intimidated and threatened our members with words like “voluntary layoff” if you don’t bump and you will not be entitled to E.I Benefits. Essentially the company is saying you give up your seniority if you don’t bump, which is simply not the case. Threatening a members E.I benefits is simply unacceptable. Seniority is the crux of the collective agreement and we will fight against this attack.
Article 12 is very clear. It is your RIGHT to bump or not. Displaced employees MAY apply by filling out a bump form. By not filling out a bump form that does not give up your right to Seniority. Filling out a bump form gives you rights to a “home”. By not filling out a bump form you are entitled to Rate retention but also at the companies whim to place you wherever needed, not lay you off without regards to seniority. You also have 10 days from displacement to fill out a bump form. This company seems Hell bent on taking your rate retention rights away from you.
Know your rights. We are in for a fight that none of us will forget. The companies tactics here only drive a wedge between the possibility of any working relationship.