Brothers and Sisters,
Earlier this week members of your Executive met with Company Executives to discuss the Evraz Business Outlook for 2021. As mentioned in previous posts, the future doesn’t look promising. Here is a breakdown of how things look for the next few months and into 2021.
STEEL DIVISION– Plan is to stay around the same crewing level as current and up to 3 crews in the Melt Shop around October
24″ mill has a small order that will take that mill into roughly the 3rd week in Sept. After that the order book is empty.
2″ mill will go back up to 1 crew around the time the 24″ runs out and that crewing level is expected to stay the same until June 2021.
Spiral Mill has the TMX order that is expected to weld out late November to early December.
We were very optimistic that another NGTL order was going to take us into the first few months of 2021. Unfortunately Evraz was not awarded that order and currently has no work on the books for 2021. At this time we are unsure which company was awarded that job but regardless if it was a U.S company or Over-Seas company it’s very concerning that a Canadian Infrastructure project will not be using Canadian Material made by Canadian Workers.
What does this mean for our Tubular Members? Well, we have been told that the company intends on keeping roughly 15 members for the 2″ mill. The company’s words were “deep cuts” and we could see that to be over 500 members laid off in December.
This is a very tough and trying time and the company is actively looking for more work but the fact is there is limited projects in Canada and the projects into the U.S, we can’t compete with thanks to the U.S President. We must remain focused on our work and the safety of one and other.
In Solidarity