March 2016 Bargaining Update

The bargaining committees from USW Local 5890 & 6673 met in Regina on March 16, 17, 18, 2016 to discuss and prepare for our upcoming collective bargaining. Discussions were held on both local and common non – monetary proposals for 5890 &6673 and a proposal exchange date has been confirmed with the company for May 19, 2016 in Calgary.
Collective bargaining is an important process for all of our members and their families and your bargaining committee is committed to keeping all of our members informed.  Bargaining surveys indicated our membership has questions about their pension, to that end membership meetings facilitated by senior USW District 3 Staff have been set up for May 3rd and 4th   for a pension seminar and informational session outlining the status of the Canadian Steel industry and the impact on us now and going forward.  These meetings will be held at the Eagles Club, details to follow.
Your solidarity is important in everything we do, bargaining updates will continue to come directly from your bargaining committees. Our next chain meeting between the bargaining committees will be held on May 3 & 4, 2016 in Regina.