Steel Division Layoffs…Here is what we know.

Management from the Steel Division has confirmed to the local that there will be an extension to those members currently laid off. They can expect a return to work by May 7th, 2015 in the Melt Shop and Rolling Mill. Production members who have been working through the current shut down are also receiving notice of lay off until May 7th.

We were told this is do to a “hole in the order book” that was expected to be filled and has not materialized. Also the reduction of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) product demand because of the slow down of drilling in the oil patch is also playing a factor.

We can’t confirm what we are being told and can only come to our own theories as to what is going on. With that said, when pressed on the outlook going forward. We were told that it doesn’t look like things will change for the foreseeable future.

Plan accordingly Brothers & Sisters. This may be a bumpy ride.

In Solidarity!

Corey Liebrecht