United Steelworkers Benefit Society Release

To all members of United Steelworks Locals 5890, 5917, 6717

As some of you are now aware there has been a misappropriation of funds from the United Steelworker Benefit Society. The processes that are in place to safeguard the Society’s funds worked properly and the misappropriation was detected.

The Directors of the Society acted immediately and requested an audit. The audit determined that a misappropriation of funds had occured and the individual responsible has now resigned from all positions held within the USW along with two other members of the Society that were asked to resign and both have done so.  

The auditor has issued a preliminary report and is awaiting further fincial information in order to conclude the audit. The individual responsible has taken full responsiblity for his actions and has begun repayment of the identified funds to the Benefit Society. Once the audit is complete all other options will be considered.

The top executive officers of 5890 and the Presidents of Locals 5917 and 6717 have met and identified areas that can be improved to further enhance the security of the funds. We will be introducing additional review procedures to the Benefit Society by adding Trustees and additional officers. Other amendments to the By-Laws have been recommended and will be brought to the membership for approval at a meeting scheduled for SEPTEMBER 20TH 2012, at a time and place to be announced. Nominations for officers will also be conducted at this time.

Local 5917 have graciously agreed to cover all financial responsiblities of the Society until new officers are installed and the appropriate changes have been approved and put into place. The Locals would like to assure Brothers & Sisters that ALL members of the Society will continue to receive coverage during this time.

Our Union and the Benefit Society do good things for the membership. The actions we have taken and changes that have and will be made, ensure that the benefits we enjoy today will continue well into the future.

We wish to thank the membership for their continued support and patience while this process moves forward.

With Respect and Solidarity!

United Steelworkers Executive Members of Locals 5890, 5917 & 6717