USW District 3 Partners For Life Program

This year the USW District 3 HSE Committee is pledging to donate a minimum of 100 litres of blood. You can help.

To join our Partners For Life Team and have all your donations count towards our annual lifesaving goal of 100, please go to:     and use PFL ID# UNIT 013969

 Fun Fact to share: Every blood donation saves three lives because each donation is split into its three components – red blood cells, platelets and plasma – so a single donation will go to three hospital patients. When you consider that one person can have such a huge impact, it’s easy to imagine what the entire District 3 team can do!

 *Individual Booking Process:

Please call 1.888.2.DONATE (1.888.236.6283) to book an appointment, and review questions and eligibility inquires.

Did you know that one in two Canadians will need blood in their lifetime?

Donating Blood

By donating blood, we can help cancer patients, premature babies, accident/injury victims, people undergoing surgery and transplants, as well as those suffering from blood diseases, burns and shock. A patient suffering from cancer can use up to eight units of blood a week in their treatment! The need for blood never stops, and you, and your team, can help.

 Donor Eligibility

 Canadian Blood Services has screening criteria for all blood donors, in place for the safety of the blood system.

 Basic Requirements for Donating Blood

 1. First time donors must be between the ages of 17 and 61

2. Donors must weigh at least 110 lbs

3. ID is required

4. You must wait 6 months to donate after having a piercing or tattoo

5. If you’ve travelled outside of North America within the past year, please call our toll free line, and speak to a clinic nurse to make sure you did not travel to what we consider a ‘malaria risk area’. 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283)

 For additional eligibility questions, please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or visit