USW Potash Locals United Like Never Before Following Strategic Meetings


SASAKTOON, Sask., 12 January 2018 – The United Steelworkers Potash Locals have concluded two days of successful and productive meetings in Saskatoon, Sask., where local unions came together to discuss a number of issues important to Steelworkers who work in potash mines in the province.


USW Locals 189, 7458, 7689, 7656, 7552 and 7916 were joined by District 3 Director Stephen Hunt, Assistant to the Director Scott Lunny, Staff Representatives Mike Pulak, Phil Hayden and MC Breadner to take part in the strategic discussions.


The meeting follows on the heels of the merger between employers Agrium and Potash Corp. The new employer is Nutrien and the USW sees the merger as an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between all potash locals.


“The importance of standing together, shoulder to shoulder, was recognized by the leadership of all USW locals. We know that by co-ordinating our efforts like never before we can ensure Steelworkers are treated with the respect and fairness they deserve,” says Darrin Kruger, President of USW Local 7552.


As USW members employed by Nutrien and Mosaic prepare to go into bargaining, the meeting was an opportunity to build power and create even greater synergy among potash workers. USW locals at Nutrien let the Mosaic locals know in no uncertain terms that they have their backs and vice-versa.


That unwavering, mutual support will help all locals achieve good things for members over the coming years, says Kim Wehner, President of USW Local 7689.

“When we stand united, we can achieve tremendous things for our members.”


A key discussion during the meetings was the rise in potash prices and the positive outlook for the industry.


USW District 3 Director Stephen Hunt congratulated the locals on their commitment to working together and says it’s how workers will continue to make progress at the bargaining table.


“From stem to stern, in every one of our potash locals and in every facet of our union, there is a strong commitment to speak with one voice and to stand united and together. I’m very proud that the leaders of all of our potash locals are working in solidarity to co-ordinate their efforts. It means good things ahead for our members,” says Hunt.


The USW Potash locals represent 2,500 potash workers in Saskatchewan.


South Sask Area Council

On Friday April 29, 2016 the South Sask Area Council will be holding it’s general meeting at the Union Office {#26-395 Park Street}.


*Issues of the council

*Financial Report

*Direction for the next 3 years

*CLOSING OF NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF positions for President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Financial Officer.

Anyone wishing to run for a position or nominate someone please email or call 306-569-9663.

South Sask Area Council Elections

Congratulations to Sister Dana Faul who was recently nominated and accepted to represent our local on the South Saskatchewan Area Council USW as Vice President. Dana has also accepted the position as a representative of the United Steelworkers in a VP role on the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) for the next three years. She also currently holds the position on the Executive of 5890 as Treasurer. Is a member of the Bargaining committee and Shop Stewart.