If you are an O&T member of 5890 please check the recent document that Evraz sent out titled “Strong Rewards”
The Union Exec apologizes to all O&T members with less than 10 years pension service because your pension statement is more than likely incorrect if you have lost pension time
Evraz had taken it upon themselves to interpret the pension buyback program to apply differently than bargained. Most of their unilateral incorrect decisions and interpretations were corrected over the past few months.
But one recent incorrect interpretation only came to light when the Union bargained pension and benefit statement or “Strong Rewards” document was mailed to everyone.
O&T members with less than 10 years service are entitled to the 1/2 year per year of service earnback.
Evraz has stated they will reissue the correct documents to the affected O&T members.
Again please check your reissued statements to make sure they are correct.