Profit Sharing Grievance

Brothers and Sisters

On September 20th, 2018 your President {Mike Day}, Vice President {Ryan Mckenzie} and USW Staff Rep {Patrick Veinot} met with the company to discuss the profit sharing grievance. The grievance revolves around the company not providing the Union with A copy of the Audited Consolidated Statement of Income for Evraz Inc.NA Canada. What the company has been providing is merely a spreadsheet with their numbers on them.

The Company has also informed us that they have gone away from the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles {GAAP} , also outlined in the collective agreement and switched to an   International standard. The company contended that they can’t produce just the North American aspect of the audit. They admitted that what the information they have been sending us has been incorrect and they said they have no intention of providing us with what is outlined in the collective agreement but yet stated they are willing to work with the Union. We have requested more information from the company and will keep you informed of where and how this is going.

Privacy Group Grievance

Brothers and Sisters

Your Union has filed a Group Grievance regarding what we believe is a violation of Privacy regarding the company’s Medical Report of Injury/ Illness Form. We feel that too much information is being asked for by the company regarding your medical information.

If you are returning to work and need this form completed, please call the office @306-569-9663 to discuss the form and our concerns around the privacy of what they are asking for.


In Solidarity.

Grievance 16/20-142

Brothers and Sisters,

On August 15th, 2018 your Union filed a group grievance under article 15.06{profit sharing}. It has come to our attention that the company has not been sending us the proper information when it comes to statements of income. After bringing it to the company’s attention and getting no response the grievance was filed. This was discussed at the 3rd step meeting held on Aug 21,2018 and the company has 15 days to respond.

Grievance 16/20-141 Group

Brothers and Sisters,

It has come to the attention of your Union that the company has been making employees use their vacation days for Personal Leave of Absences. On August 15th a grievance was filed with the company on this matter. Members are encouraged to contact a shop steward or executive member or email if this has happened to you.


On April 1st, 2016 the union filed a group grievance for what the union saw as an improper layoff notice under article 12.13{3 day clause}. On March 17th the company issued a 2 week layoff notice for members in the steel division. Then on March 24th the company then invoked article 12.13 for a shortage of work affecting parts of the Meltshop and Caster. The unions position was that during a layoff notice, the employee’s rate of pay and normal hours of work cannot be cut.

After months of discussion on this grievance the company has agreed to pay the 35 affected employee’s their 12 hours of pay on the December 2nd pay. Below is the attached list of employee’s




In Solidarity

Bork Arbitration Award and Remedy

An award and decision was was handed down from Arbitrator Francine Chad Smith regarding   abuse from supervisor and insubordination of employees.

This is a very informative award that outlines what is acceptable behavior of Employees and especially Employers interacting with each other. If you find yourself in the same situation as Mr. Bork in an altercation with a supervisor please disconnect with the supervisor, inform him he is bullying you then contact a steward to grieve for remedy and/or damages.

The Union encourages everyone to read this this arbitration decision.

Evraz.USW Bork.insub.defencedocx

Stepping Up In The Local

Congratulations to Brother’s

Brad Gibbons (Steel Div.)
Brian Chatsis (Steel Div.)
Kushal Patel (Tubular Div.)
Ryan Sande (Tubular Div.)
Mark de Guzman (Tubular Div.)
Justin Welder (Tubular Div.)

All of whom recently submitted their names to be shop stewards and were accepted by the members at the local monthly meeting.

Brother Kurt Chernishenko (Tubular Div.) was also selected to be a pension trustee.

In Solidarity!

Scheduled Arbitrations

Matheson – November 13, 2014 (Suspension) *Resolved/Cancelled

Kups – November 21, 2014 (Disqualification)

Little – January 22, 2015 (Substance Testing)

Ross – February 12-13, 2015 (Suspension/Substance Testing)

Sim – March 18, 2015 (Suspension)

Bork – April 8, 2015 (Suspension)

Simank April 9, 2015 (Suspension)

New Shop Stewards

We are pleased to announce that Sister Shannon Fletcher who has been a member of the local for 4 years and Brother Joe Semere who has been a member for 20 years, have been nominated and accepted by the membership to become shop stewards. Please welcome Sister Fletcher who works in the Operations Building and Brother Semere who works in the Melt Shop to their new roles.

In Solidarity!

Can You Imagine Your Employer Shredding Your Pay Stub?

As most if not all of our membership is aware, the company has decided to start using an Epost system that you must register for in order to obtain your pay stub and T4’s. The only other option they have left available to you is a 21 hour window to pick up a hard copy of your pay stub before each pay day. As well, it is the Union’s understanding that this will be the last year that the the Company will have a hand delivered copy of a T4 sent to your home. Even more disturbing and outright mind boggling is the fact by confirmation earlier today fromthe payroll department, that any remaining pay stubs left in the company’s possession after each pay period will be shredded. That’s right…SHREDDED!

We have a number of obvious concerns and issues related to how the Company is handling and handcuffing you on what we believe is a right to have basic access to your personal work related information, especially concerning a record of your payroll information. The Local is weighing it’s options on how to best respond to this and defend our rights collectively. We will take all actions available and necessary in making sure we protect our members.

In Solidarity!

Arbitrator Holds Evraz to Issuing Fair Discipline

The local was successful at arbitration regarding discipline for Proznick that involved almost all aspects of the definitive KVP decision from 1965. Please read an overview of guide to the 6 rules of  The KVP Award on Company Rules . A three day suspension was removed.

Hopefully this decision will illustrate to Evraz  and its management team that they cannot act in an arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable manner when implementing policies and enforcing them.

Here is the decision regarding Mr Proznick      Evraz USW Proznick dis.KVP

Please take the time to read both documents.

Grievances Withdrawn

The following grievances have been withdrawn “without prejudice/precedent” by the local. These were filed on behalf of our members who disputed having their holiday requests denied but have since been approved. The local will continue to monitor holiday requests and we encourage members to contact a shop steward with any concerns regard this or anything else.

0187 Lezon – 0190 Hayter – 0191 Cole – 0192 Kolybaba – 0194 Ellingson – 0195 Gingras – 0196 Yabut – 0198 Brooks – 0199 Kreklewich – 0200 Almero – 0201 D’Anrea – 0202 Jarton – 0203 Sopko

Stand Up! Fight Back!